We’re excited to share that First Response Group has eleven entries shortlisted across multiple categories at 2025 The Outstanding Security Performance Awards (OSPAs)! ✨ Outstanding EDI Initiative ✨ Outstanding Contract Security Company (Guarding) ✨ Outstanding Security Team: Wembley Stadium Permanent Security Team ✨ Outstanding Security Team: EKFB Physical Security Team ✨ Outstanding Security Partnership: FRG
In the commercial sector we are used to seeing CCTV systems being adopted for a range of security uses. CCTV has emerged as one of the most effective security solution for deterring crime, surveying perimeter areas and providing important visibility of internal and remote locations. The high quality coverage relays live images and stores footage to be
The security of your business, in terms of its people and its assets, should be your number one priority and you should always be looking for new ways to improve your business security and to ensure it is effective. At First Response Group we have a history of adopting new technologies and providing innovative solutions